Technique Closing Wedge

HTO Lateral Closing Wedge AP 1HTO Lateral Closing Wedge 2HTO Lateral Closing Wedge Lateral



- GA, IV Abx

- supine on radiolucent table

- no nerve blocks (eidural / sciatic / femoral)

- knee roll / lateral support

- II available


Incision with knee at 90°

- midpoint tibial tuberosity & fibular head

- extend proximally to LFC

- incise deep fascia / ITB in line with incision

- reflect underlying T ant & EDL anteriorly

- expose proximal tibia anteriorly and posteriorly


Anterior Tibio-Fibula joint 

- must release

- place osteotome in joint to gauge direction & remove sliver of head medial fibular head

- locate & cauterize the Lateral Inferior Genicular Artery

- protect the CPN by staying superior to neck

- must leave LCL and biceps attached


Two threaded guide wires at superior level osteotomy

- under II guidance

- 2cm distal to joint in AP and lateral

- parallel to posterior slope


Osteotomy Jigs

- attach to superior 2 guide wires

- guide saw blade to hit superior osteotomy at medial cortex

- variable angles involved


Soft tissue protection crucial

- homan retractor anteriorly under patella tendon

- dissect soft tissue subperiosteally off posterior tibial cortex

- Homan to protect posterior structures



- superior and inferior

- attempt to leave medial cortex intact

- must divide anterior and posterior cortices in full

- try to remove wedge of bone intact

- medial aspect of wedge difficult to remove


Straighten knee & close osteotomy

- do so slowly

- allow stress relaxation to occur


Check correction

- diathermy lead

- from centre of femoral head to centre of ankle

- must pass through lateral plateau

- if insufficient must recut distally


Stabilise ostetomy

- ORIF with 2 x staples / plate 

- suture ITB & deep Fascia over drain


Post op

- splint

- monitor overnight for compartment syndrome

- PWB 6/52