Head size


22 headTHA medium headMOMBHR




Increasing head size

- increase stability / decrease dislocation

- ? affects ROM

- ? increase volumetric wear




Head size affects dislocation because of two variables


1.  Head:neck ratio

- increasing head:neck ratio increases the primary arc range (before impingement)

- primary arc range also affected by cup abduction / anteversion / liner elevation


Primary arcPrimary arc


2.  Jump distance

- the distance the head must travel in order to dislocate from the socket

- affected by head size

- also affected by cup abduction / anteversion / liner elevation

head neck ratio



Large heads and reduced dislocation


Zijlstra et al Acta Orthop 2017

- Dutch Registry of 166,000 hips

- dislocation rates higher with 22 - 28 mm heads compared to 32 mm heads

- 36 mm heads reduced dislocation rates with posterolateral approach


Jameson et al JBJS Br 2011

- 250,000 THA England Joint Registry

- significant reduction in dislocation rate with heads > 36 mm


Berry et al JBJS Am 2005

- 24,000 THA

- dislocation rates size 22 > 28 > 32 mm heads


Large heads and ROM


Le Duff et al Bull NYU Hospt Jt Disord 2009

- 35 patients with both a hip resurfacing and conventional THA

- no difference in ROM between two hips


Zijlstra et al Int Orthop 2011

- RCT of 28 mm head versus 48 mm head MoM

- increased internal rotation with large heads


Larger head technology


1. Metal on poly (XLPE)


A.  Thinner highly cross linked polyethylene liners allow larger femoral heads 32 - 44 m


Large metal on poly


Australian Joint Registry 2023 Metal on XLPE 36,000 THA

  < 32 mm heads 32 mm heads > 32 mm heads
3 years 2.4 2.3 2.4
5 years 3.0 2.7 3.0
10 years 4.4 3.9 4.4
15 years 5.9 5.1 5.9


B.  Custom poly acetabulum with metal resurfacing


Treacy et al Bone Joint Res 2019

- metal-on-highly-crosslinked-polyethylene hip resurfacing

- 88 cases at 1.5 years follow up


2. Metal on metal




A. Increased sized metal heads

- increased failure rates with heads > 32 mm

- Australian Joint Registry revision rate 32% at 20 years

- MoM less commonly performed as many implants removed from market


See Boneschool page - bearing surfaces



B.  Hip resurfacing


See Boneschool page - hip resurfacing


THR Dislocated Birmingham

Dislocated resurfacing THA


2. Ceramic on ceramic / ceramic on poly


CoC largeLarge CoC




Monoblock acetabular components with ceramic liners that allow large ceramic heads




Kostretzis et al BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2022

- report of 5 cases large ceramic head THA with liner dissociation


Blakeney et al Bone Joint J 2018

- large ceramic head THA with ceramic monoblock acetabulum

- 225 cases

- 23% incidence of squeaking


Australian Joint Registry 2023 Ceramic on ceramic / poly 56,000 THA

  < 28 32 36-38 > 40
3 years 3.5 2.0 2.0 2.2
5 years 3.9 2.5 2.5 2.9
10 years 5.0 3.7 3.8 3.8
15 years 5.7   5.9