Cubitus Varus
Occurs 10% of supracondylar humeral fractures
- varus malunion
Lateral condyle fracture
- AVN trochlea
Growth arrest of medial aspect physis
- rare
- post traumatic
Occurs 10% of supracondylar humeral fractures
- varus malunion
Lateral condyle fracture
- AVN trochlea
Growth arrest of medial aspect physis
- rare
- post traumatic
Osteochondritis Dissecans
- separation of avascular fragment of bone & cartilage
M : F = 2:1
Mean age 18 years
- can present as young as 9
Natural History of ACL deficient knee is variable
- functional instability 15% - 90%
- progression to OA is variable
Depends on level of patient demands / activity
1. Late meniscal injury in ACL deficient knee
2. Function
Daniels Am J Sports Med 1994
- 292 ACL defecients knees
Most common lower limb neuropathy
Valgus TKR - 3%
HTO - 10%
Direct Trauma / Compression
Knee Dislocation
Tibial fracture
Cast / Dressing
Lateral Meniscus Repair
>55 Often mid 30's
Idiopathic condition of the immature femoral capital epiphysis involving varying degrees of osteonecrosis
- Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
- coxa plana
Described in separate publications in 1912 by
- Legg (Boston)
- Calve (France)
- Perthes (Germany)
M: F 4:1
1 in 740 males
70% male
70% positive FHx
20% learning difficulties
Early / late onset
Unilateral / bilateral
1. Habitual
Toddlers - child can heel walk
2. Structural
Fixed equinus - CTEV / arthrogryposis
Short / tight T Achilles
Space occupying lesion in calf
Metatarsus varus
- adduction of the forefoot at the TMTJ
Intrauterine positional deformity / packaging defect
- M = F
- bilateral in 50%
- 10% have CDH
- intrauterine positioning defect
- prone nursing
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
Characterised by heterogenous population of pleomorphic spindle cells
- organised in a characteristic storiform or "starry night" pattern
Cell of origin unknown
- primitive mesenchymal cell
- allowing both features of a macrophage (hence histiocyte)
- and collagen producing cell (hence fibroblast)
- 4% OS
Females more common
- similar to GCT
Less aggressive locally
- less metastasis
- size / location & duration of symptoms don't correlate with outcome
Arise from cortex of bone / periosteum
- parosteal
- periosteal
- high grade juxtacortical